l Jason & Jasmine: January 2007

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Our NZ Holiday

Well we had a very busy time. The main reason for the trip was to celebrate Grandad's 60th and his dads 90th.

The plane trip over was excellent, I only grizzled for 5 mins (a bit more on the way home), we had 4 generations of the Lee's together and I met my great grandparents. Grandad and the boys went fishing but I was too young to go and I went to the beach (Curio Bay) with mum and dad. I had a great time playing with my cousins George, Emilee, Tegan and Zoe too.

Glad to be home again, mum is hoping that I hurry up and get back into some kind of routine..........

Keep you updated, Jacob.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

My First Xmas

I was very spoilt for my first Xmas.